Sermon on the Cross
The good life is not the life of wealth and influence; it is a life where belief in the truth and the practice of love are its core values—where success is akin to sacrifice, and status is defined as the least being the greatest. The predominant culture would wrongly label our new priorities as backward or upside-down, but just the opposite is true—when we discover the love of the cross, it turns our lives Love Side Up.
Ernest Randolph has been in ministry since 1986, working with youth and adults, pointing them to Jesus. After graduating with his master’s in Youth Ministry from Denver Seminary in 1994, he worked as a youth pastor, as well as a lay pastor in churches around the Denver area. For the last fi ve years, he has followed a call to lead a Bible study in the local bar, teaching the Word of God to a whole new demographic. This opportunity has forced him to dig deep into the biblical message of salvation and discover how God has provided the perfect means to save everyone: rich, poor, strong, weak, young, old, sinner, or saint. The way of the cross kept screaming out to him as the only way possible to provide for the reconciling all people from all walks of life to God. He wrote this book to remind you of that same message of the cross, which is the life-changing power of God to everyone who believes.
Love-Side-Up begins by leading the reader to a clear view of Jesus and a deeper understanding of the meaning and the way of salvation. It then explains how Jesus took away our sin and obligation to follow the law and replaced it with the command that our salvation comes through belief, and our sanctification comes through love.
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